Krajowe centrum ochrony radiologicznej w ochronie zdrowia


  1. Organising and keeping the system of radiation protection law-related information;
  2. Giving opinions on draft legislation on the medical application of ionising radiation;
  3. Participating in groups and working groups of the minister of health to draft or give opinions on draft regulations concerning the medical application of ionising radiation;
  4. Preparing submissions to the minister of health to take legislative initiative concerning regulations on the medical application of ionising radiation;
  5. Cooperation with relevant organisational units of the office of the minister of health;
  6. Monitoring activities of the European Commission in terms of proposed and implemented legal changes, recommendations and other documents that may influence the Polish law on radiation protection in healthcare and quality of services provided;
  7. Keeping personnel records for employees of the National Centre in accordance with labour law regulations;
  8. Delivering public procurement procedures, in accordance with public procurement regulations;
  9. Giving opinions on or participating in development of draft contracts and agreements to which the National Centre is a party;
  10. Drafting legal opinions, providing legal advice and interpreting legal provisions related to current activities of the National Centre;
  11. Monitoring of compliance with the law concerning functioning of the National Centre.