Krajowe centrum ochrony radiologicznej w ochronie zdrowia


  1. Delivering training in the radiation protection;
  2. Development, translation and dissemination of publications on the medical application of ionising radiation;
  3. Organising and maintaining a system of scientific and technical information on radiation protection;
  4. Cooperation with mass media to inform the public on the medical application of ionising radiation;
  5. Providing substantive support and professional advice to radiation hygiene organisational units of the State Sanitary Inspection in the field of the medical application of ionising radiation, including delivery of refresher training for personnel of these organisational units;
  6. Consultation – in the field of patient radiation protection – training programmes, postgraduate education and specialist training for medical personnel and other persons involved in the application of medical radiology procedures;
  7. Development of teaching materials on radiation protection for medical personnel.